Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Help

You is wise.  You is smart.  You is important.

Mama, Mom, KK, Di and I went to see this today.  I have added it to my "favorite list" of movies, it really was great.  Mom gave me the book to read and I really hope to start on it this week, she said the book went into more detail than the movie, cannot wait to read it.  I really love the 1960's, the clothes, hairstyles, cars and way of life.  I DO not like the mentality of that era but love the slow pace lifestyle they lived.  If you have not seen the movie I definitely recommend it, it's quite the eye opening experience. 

When I got home from the movies I hopped in my car and headed to Hallieford where Robert and Abigail were waiting for me to eat dinner.  CRABS, yes, steamed crabs that Robert caught today.  He also made hush puppies and ceaser salad.  We sat and talked as Abigail was back and forth from the porch to the living room.  She would color for awhile and then walk out and talk to us and then it was back inside to color some more.  I really enjoyed our evening together as a family, sitting on the porch with the ceiling fans going full blast since there wasn't an ounce of breeze this evening, just talking and enjoying the beautiful view of the Piankatank.  As we were pulling into our driveway earlier I noticed firefly's lighting up our front yard and could hear the cicada's singing, I love summer with every ounce of my being.  xoxo nighty night

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed the book, The Help, so much that I never wanted it to end. Ruthie and I are trying to go see the movie this week!
